Hold on to your suction, it’s about to get viscous. Irene, aka @Toothlife.Irene, on social media is the first (and only) Canadian Restorative Dental Hygienist with a podcast. Sharing her story surrounding her career, practice ownership, social media and, of course, dental-related content. On Tooth or Dare, she gives mic-dropping solutions to your dental questions and problems as a dental professional. With guests like top hygienists, dentists, researchers, product developers and more, this show has something for everyone interested in oral health and personal and professional development. Peeps say the content is entertaining and educational, packaged with actionable items. a Molar of the story, this is the podcast for you if you want to feel like you’re part of a conversation from the comfort of your own... well, wherever the heck you’re listening. Peace out, peeps, catch you on the flip side.

Thursday Sep 05, 2019
Episode 22. Salute to your RDH Titan Goddess!
Thursday Sep 05, 2019
Thursday Sep 05, 2019
Salute to the lady that did not plan on being in the dental field. Christina Luna is making us all proud of her amazing accomplishments. Find her on Instagram @beastingthebeauty
Randomly chosen for DA school in the military because she was determined to find a career and ultimately fell in love with it and after the military training went back to DH school herself.
Now working on the military reserve and private practice
Fast forward to her fitness workd she rocked as a selected contestant for titan games.
Thank you to Hu-Friedy for sponsoring this episode with the amazing Christina Luna, don't forget to go and check out Friends of Hu-Friedy to earn the badges Irene mentioned in the episode.

Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Episode 21: Instagram conspiracy theories with @Pat.the.dentist
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
This episode is with the man you might know @Pat.the.Dentist from Instagram.
Dedicated to a fellow co-worker and inspirational educator Stacey Jackson! Keep rocking and inspiring students girl, we need more educators like YOU!
Dr. Pat the dentist (LOL) is the founder of the account @people_in_healthcare who focuses on us peeps, those grinding it out in scrubs and doing awesome things in the health profession! Shoot them a DM for a feature or share a friends profile if they are doing awesome things and deserve a feature.
Pat was (also born into a Romanian family btw) grew up in Cali, moved to Michigan for dental school and NOW lives in Las Vegas! In this episode, he talks about entry to dental school, interview vs. DAT scores and how to set yourself apart from other Dental School candidates.
Shares some serious IG conspiracy theories and gives us a sneak-peek into why he loves the business side of dentistry as well as the healthcare part along with how glucagon will get your Instagram gluca-gone!
The struggle of Instagram is real with overactive accounts that get reported and blocked! Dr. Pat shares his story!

Thursday Aug 08, 2019
Episode 20: Social media maven Dr. Jessica Emery
Thursday Aug 08, 2019
Thursday Aug 08, 2019
Welcome back dental peeps to another Episode of The Tooth or dare Podcast!
This weeks episode is sponsored by our friends at Hu-Friedy, Thanks for the support!
Hope you are all having a fantastic week so far! We are back to real life after RDH UOR!
OMG IT WAS SO AMAZING if you haven't gone to UOR you totally need to come to Denver next year.
This episode is dedicated to our friend Rachel aka @The_PinkHygieniest
Whitney and Irene both hung out at the Hu-Friedy booth and Irene learned some cool stuff classic Irene fin facts about the Everedge 2.0 scalers and WHY they are Everedge 2.0 is 72% sharper out of the box.
The testing is super impressive. They use the instruments for 500 Strokes and then test it with specially calibrated silicone test sticks.
They do it on all aspects of the tip 3rd of the instrument and the stats are pretty impressive.
Go to hu-friedy.com/EE2 to learn more about the science of the Everedge 2.0 scalers and see the cool testing process!
This weeks episode is with Dr. Jessica Emery. We all know her from Instagram and now Jessica is helping practices, dentists and dental team members learn how to grow their social media following with beautiful photos and marketing strategies.
She carries a plethora of cellphones around daily to monitor her many accounts and the accounts of her clients! Based in Chicago, grew up in Boston this DDS was once an RDH!
Her influence came from her mom who was also a Dentist and first trained as an RDH. Together they were the first mother-daughter that graduated from both hygiene school and dental school.
If you want to check out Dr. Emery and her various accounts here they are, they are all beautiful and so well put together!
@thedentaldiaries @dentalsoiree @soireestock @dentalgirlgang @sugarfixdentalloft @whitehauteteeth
Dr. Jessica Emery gives some epic advice to all women in dentistry, how to handle negative vibes AND she also does a dare!
Head over to @toothordare.podcast to watch the dare go down!
Thank you to Dr. Emery and her team for joining us, hope to meet you in real life one day!

Thursday Jul 18, 2019
Episode 19: Prepping teeth in downward dog with @Thedentalyogis
Thursday Jul 18, 2019
Thursday Jul 18, 2019
Welcome back peeps to another episode of Tooth or Dare with Irene and Whitney!
This Episode is Dedicated to our friend Paul our Instagram buddy who always listens to our episodes and comments on our posts. Thanks, Paul for being an awesome friend! @Swole_DDS
This is Officially that LAST Episode from Chicago Midwinter with the amazing @TheDentalYogis
Thank you to Hu-Friedy for sponsoring this episode! This week @Toothlife.Irene got to try a new sparkly instrument called the EverEdge 2R/2L and has fallen in love with this universal curette.
72% sharper out the box than your average scaler this beauty is a universal built for the anterior teeth.
Click Here Here Here Here Here Here to see the video of this beautiful instrument!
What to expect with this episode:
Say hello to Dr. Cristian Pavel and Dr. Danielle Cascioli
Met in Las Vegas back in 2016 on a last min trip but it turned into this beautiful relationship.
Yoga began with Danielle in Dental school, Cristian was not a yogi at this point.
Inspired by @acrobuddhas
Join the Yogis Live on Sundays at 1 pm CST on their IG to practice with them via Instagram!
NEW TO EVERYONE! The Yogis now have an app
The Yogis have collaborated on a cool app, check it out in the App Store called hiitide app to subscribe to their yoga program!
Want to reach out to the Yogis, Check out their website dentalyogis.com and DM them on Instagram.
Check out our Instagram within the next 7 days to watch this dare go down! Whitney is gonna FLY!

Thursday Jul 04, 2019
Episode 18: Eyebrow Insurance with @DentistSinging
Thursday Jul 04, 2019
Thursday Jul 04, 2019
Happy Independence Day Peeps and Just past Canada day!! To celebrate you as individuals our sponsor of this episode Hu-Friedy really wants to help YOU as Individuals and Professionals Invest in your Career!
Friends of Hy-Friedy helps you do that... pretty epic stuff loaded onto the site! over 175 clinical articles, Free CE, Networking with your Fav- Peeps and dental besties.
I Like that you can find a mentor! Did you know that it's awesome we all need a mentor don't we. AND FRIENDS!!!! You can find friends, other dental friends that share the same interests, I mean I feel like I can always use more dental friends!
That's how we add value to our practice peeps, more we learn the more we can offer our offices and patients the latest and greatest from HF!
This Episode is dedicated to @ThomasMurphy02 for being an awesome supporter of all things Teeth related!
This episode we interview @DentistSinging Dr. Milad Shadrooh born in Iran and lives in the UK since the ripe age of 5. Only children in the house!
Listen in to find out how Milad became @DentistSinging, became this dental parody sensation starting off from picking up that syringe at baby age. Fate Decided!
Other inclusions ...dental nurses/hygienists/therapists in London vs USA vs Canada, telling us his routine to writing parody lyrics,
Once again, thank you to Hu-Friedy for putting in so much time and effort into the Friends of Hu-Friedy platform. Don't forget to go check it out and join to get your CE and earn Hu-Points. It's the program that helps you get free stuff! you register for things and you get points, that's how you get scalers, probes.. mirrors... all those awesome items!
You've gotta try it out! Join today at www.friendsofhu-friedy.com
Contact Milad on Instagram @dentistsinging
Email: dentistsinging@gmail.com

Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Episode 17: Dr. Alan Mead from Dental Hacks
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Welcome back to the Tooth or Dare Podcast Peeps. This episode is rollout out from Chicago Midwinter this year, completely unplanned and impromptu interview with the godfather of dental podcasts Dr. Alan Mead of the Dental Hacks. Follow on Facebook, Dental Hacks Nation is a pretty good spot to get all your dental related banter and info.
This episode is kindly sponsored by Hu-Friedy, helping us dental peeps perform at our best.
Before we get into Alan's interview we want you all to go and check out the new Ever Edge 2.0 scalers by Hu-Friedy!
Irene got to try them recently and OMG they are legendary! Come out of the box 72% sharper than other instruments. No joke, lighter and sharpest instrument I’ve tried to date! Whitney is a big fan also. Customizable handle in 8 different resin colours for all your colour coding needs.
Irene Fun Fact: DID YOU KNOW THAT The #9 EverEdge handle was also designed to be the optimal weight for reduced hand fatigue.- TRUE STORY!
What is this episode about you ask?
- Podcast banter from the guru to the newbies, sharing podcast epic fails and other comical podcast related stories.
- Alan has literally a supercomputer setup with 4 computers doing fancy things to support all the knowledge he drops on his Podcast.
- Click here to listen to Dental Hacks.
- Alan listens to our podcast FYI when doing the most important task of all…. Cleaning the house and scrubbing the floors.
- Voices of Dentistry is the place to be to meet your fav podcasters. Caugh Caugh… we wanna go hook some sisters up!
- THE FIRST TOOTH comes out, Alan is super kind not daring Whitney to do something redic.
Thanks, Alan for being on our Podcast we appreciate your insights, experiences and being a cool guy.
Shoot him an email at Mead Family Dentistry.
Where to find Alan:
DentalHacks.com has some cool content and blogs
Facebook- Dental Hacks Nation
The Alan Mead Experience Podcast

Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Episode 16: @DrMattAsaro Live at CDA
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Welcome to another fun-filled episode with @Toothlife.Irene (Irene) and @teethtalkgirl (Whitney) Live at CDA in Anaheim California baby!
On this episode, the podcast team interviews @drmattasaro our Instagram friend, while taking over the Ortho counter live on the floor at the Hu-Friedy booth. Chatting about California, his friend who lived out of an ambulance, and how he went from dentist to Instagram video creator.
Thank you to all you peeps that came by the booth to say hello and partake in some trivia and fun. We appreciate you all!
This episode is brought to you by our friends at Hu-Friedy who share with us some epic details about the Hu-Care program!
Hu-Care offers FREE Ortho instrument sharpening and maintenance on all Hu-Friedy orthodontic cutters and pliers! Because we all know how much we hate when those distal end cutters and ligature cutters get dull!
Click HERE to enrol in this free service or visit the link below!
Stay tuned on our Instagram @Toothordare.podcast over the next 7 days to see @drmattasaro do his dare!
Lastly, we are dedicating this episode to our IG friend & Podcast listener Samantha (@samanthaasusnjara)! Thanks for your kind words and awesome selfie skills!

Thursday May 23, 2019
Episode 15: Sloth watching and article writing with Jill and Tony of @OralHealthgrp
Thursday May 23, 2019
Thursday May 23, 2019
Ever wonder how writers become writers? Well, it often starts with a killer behind the scenes team that helps inspire and polish what goes to print.
This episode was recorded live at Chicago MidWinter with a killer team from Oral Health Group. A Canadian based publication that is making huge waves in media and how stories and education are shared among various healthcare professionals and providers.
Jillian (Editor) and Tony (Director of Business Development) sit down with us to discuss how it all works. From Scripting, planning to edit.
Have you wanted to write an article but aren't sure where to begin or how to start, this is the episode for you, and also if you want to hear how distracted the entire group gets seeing a giant sloth walk by. Jillian and Tony are the right people to approach. Visit Oral Health Group to get more info on how you can become a contributor like Irene.
Below are some links to articles Irene has published with the assistance of Jillian and Tony
"Is It Really Periodontal Disease?"
"What Your Ears May Tell Us About Your Health"
Thank you both for being on the Podcast!

Thursday May 02, 2019
Episode 14: Amber Auger
Thursday May 02, 2019
Thursday May 02, 2019
Welcome back to another Episode Peeps! We are so pumped for this episode with our dental bestie Amber Auger!
Huge shout out to our peeps and dear friends @Hu_Friedy for sponsoring this amazing episode with the one and only millennial mentor @AmberAugerRDH AND for providing the episode giveaway that you'll have to listen to hear about!
What's up in this episode you ask: WELL...Irene rants about her experience in Chicago at the Hu-Friedy factory and product training with a new product coming to you all soon!
Pun of the episode: Molar of the story… GO TO THE HU-FRIEDY FACTORY TOUR!
This episode is dedicated to the amazing non-dental peep @jfkennedy on Instagram. Thanks for being such an amazing fanboy! We appreciate you bro!
This episode starts @6:59 and we gotta send out a little caution… It's recorded live at Chicago Midwinter moments after we met for the first time. So energy levels are high, excitement is at its maximum and you may or may not hear Irene shriek multiple times.
No spoilers in the notes about our guest you gotta listen to this episode to hear more about how Amber fell in love with teeth and has turned her career into the amazing thing it has become.
How to Contact our guest for Fangirl/fanboy stuff or Business opportunities?
Follow her on Instagram @AmberAugerrdh
Visit her website AmberAuger.com and don’t forget to tune into Ask Amber on RDH Magazine's Facebook page.
Now the moment you've been waiting for!
Follow @Toothordare.Podcast ASAP for your chance to enter this episode’s giveaway.
2 Lucky Dental Peeps will take home the most amazing Titanium implant scalers ever sponsored by Hu-Friedy.
Want to learn more about the Titanium (Anodized) Scalers, visit the link below to learn more about why they are a beautiful Teal colour!
Until next time peeps... ☮️ ❤️ 🦷

Thursday Apr 18, 2019
Episode 13: Brittany goes to dental school and documents the whole thing!
Thursday Apr 18, 2019
Thursday Apr 18, 2019
YouTube dental sensation Brittany Watu aka @brittanygoestodentalschool on Instagram.
We chat about the exciting world of Josh Groban and as per usual, make ridiculous dental puns that somehow make us all laugh and cry at the same time.
Brittany is AMAZING! She's been documenting her life in dental school. The good bad and ugly, Day one all the way to graduation (So she tells us).
With a rising 14k subscribers on YouTube and close to 7k on Instagram Brittany is helping everyone navigate their lives and also gives great info for those thinking of going to dental school.
Somehow managing to keep her life in order, given the crazy studying and editing.
Tune in to her channel to see her epic videos!
Show Brittany some love and subscribe to her channel.

Thursday Apr 04, 2019
Episode 12: Kirpa… Will You Accept Our Dental Hygiene Rose?
Thursday Apr 04, 2019
Thursday Apr 04, 2019
Happy Oral Health Month Dental Peeps!
Our very first episode in oral health month and next week is National dental hygiene week in Canada which has us even more excited for April! Shoutout to ADHA and CDHA for partnering this year on the put on your purple initiative!
We have some exciting news to share with you this episode and we are so pumped that we got to sit down and chat teeth stuff with Kirpa Sudick.
However, we did bombard her socials and slide in to her DM's from basically every account we could get our hands on. Thank you to everyone who went on our 24 hour Kirpa messaging spree. IT WORKED!
Shoutouts to the avid RDH's and the peeps at ADHA for a. your love of all things Bachelor and b. supporting our podcast.
Recently back home from her amazing Bachelor experience. Kirpa has been keeping busy with her best fab life but manages to sneak in some time to give us the inside scoop on the entire process and how leaving dental hygiene (Temporarily) has been for her.
Kirpa kindly answered all your questions so you may hear your name pop up in the episode!
ALSO to continue the amazing news! Tooth or Dare Podcast has its very first sponsor! We are so happy to partner up with Hu-Friedy and bring you exclusive news, tips, tricks and fun stuff! - Huge thank you to HF for supporting this podcast and for delivering high-quality products and service that help us perform at our very best!
Thank you Hu-Friedy for supporting dental peeps everywhere and specifically our friends and followers.
Don't forget to go to Hu-Friedy.com/toothordare to be entered for a chance to win a brand new instrument!
Contest details are on the link so head there to enter! Lastly, Get cool stuff and tons of CE by signing up at https://www.friendsofhu-friedy.com/s/
Lastly, we are dedicating this episode to out Instagram/Youtube Friend @nikkinicole_2 aka Nikki Chikki, Thanks for your kindness girl and good luck with your dental career. We are super proud of you and your journey.
Peace Love and Teeth Peeps
I + W

Thursday Mar 21, 2019
Episode 11: Alina Zollipops Teenpreneur
Thursday Mar 21, 2019
Thursday Mar 21, 2019
Alina Morse aka Candy Princess is killing the market with her genius product called ZolliCandy. Featured all over the media, print and basically a celebrity entrepreneur for being a 13 year old business owner with an estimated 6 million dollar evaluation for 2019.
A young woman on a mission also giving back a portion of earnings to the One Million Smiles Initiative.
Follow along with Alina and her mission to take over the candy world on instagram @zollicandy and visit zollicandy.com/dentist use promo code: keepemsmiling for awesome resources for dental practices and social media content.

Thursday Mar 07, 2019
Episode 10: @Dr. Nick
Thursday Mar 07, 2019
Thursday Mar 07, 2019
Dental Peeps, we are super pumped to bring you @dr.nick
You've seen Dr. Nick Ciardiello killing the Instagram game with his epic videos. Irene's likely watched the most recent "life without a hygienist" like 143 times.
The ladies talk Instagram shop with Dr. Nick, how he got to his following, how he communicates with people and some of his tips on making cool videos while having a full-time job.
Dr. Nick answers some of your Instagram questions, so listen up for a shoutout!

Thursday Feb 14, 2019
Episode 9: We lift too, just not as heavy, or as often.
Thursday Feb 14, 2019
Thursday Feb 14, 2019
What do Baseball, Horses, reality TV and persistence have in common?
The answer revolves this episodes guest. Paul Geuy, aka @Swole_dds from Instgram, shares his life story with us. His inspiring outlook on the world, highs, and lows that have a very happy ending.
We are so happy to hear and share your story Paul. You're #goals.

Thursday Jan 31, 2019
Episode 8: Because Girl Bosses are everywhere! Caitlyn DHN in the HOUSE!
Thursday Jan 31, 2019
Thursday Jan 31, 2019
She is the founder of the company we LOVE DENTAL HYGIENE NATION AKA INSTA FAMOUS @dthynation.
You know peeps, it isn't always sunshine and rainbows despite what social media may show you.
The highlights come with some lowlights and today Whitney, Irene, and Caitlyn get deep for 4.5 seconds, then go back to their classic goofy selves.
Listen in to this trio of girl power and work through some of the ideas you might have with some advice from these entrepreneurial ladies. Caitlyn shares some of her do's and don'ts for business startups and the challenges of buing a business owner in the eyes of the world, family and DH community.
THEN....something magical happens. Like Unicorns with a rainbow pot of gold kind of magical happens!
First ever on Tooth or Dare the guest decides to do the dare. WHAT WHAT!!!!
Thanks for your continued support peeps!
We love you and we welcome your feedback and amazing reviews as always.

Thursday Jan 10, 2019
Episode 7: New Year... New job, old Job, more money.....
Thursday Jan 10, 2019
Thursday Jan 10, 2019
2019 has finally arrived listen to what these ladies have done over the holidays and how they are starting this year with a bang!
Irene shared some BIG news to share with Y'all in 2018 and had a monumental day in private practice this week.
Often with the turn of a new year, we get itchy to ask some financial questions. Listen to hear how Whitney and Irene perceive getting raises, quitting or getting fired and how it all is positive in the world of getting more money down the road!
Happy Listening!
Resource Links:

Monday Dec 24, 2018
Episode 6: Podcasters Unite (starring A Tale of Two Hygienists)
Monday Dec 24, 2018
Monday Dec 24, 2018
SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!... Was our exact response when A Tale of Two Hygienists reached out to us to do a joint podcast!
Michelle and Andrew (aka the dental hygiene gods of the podcast world) asked us some questions about our goals in the world of podcasting whilst Irene and Whitney grilled them with questions about podcasting and how to get it right!
Rants and raves from both sides in this chatty episode of the veterans and the newbies. Turns out we have more common items that we thought.
Both podcast duets...
1. Didn't know one another before the started making podcast magic.
2. Have done a mission trip of some kind.
3. Have a hard time keeping up with the scope of practice in each state/province.
...just to name a few things that this podcast collaboration revealed.
In all seriousness, we would like to fire off a huge shoutout to these fantastic humans for helping us get comfortable in this big bad dental podcast world. We are very grateful to have friends like you and we are super pumped to see you and work hopefully work together in the future.
Do them a solid and go vote for them and all of your favorite hygiene podcasts! Nominate us for next year as we started late in the game this year!
Wanna say HI in person?
-Go and say hi to them at Voices of Dentistry conference fingers crossed Tooth or Dare will be there in 2019!
-Irene and ATOTH will be at Yankee Dental Conference.
-Andrew, Whitney, and Irene will be at Chicago Midwinter... let the selfie-taking begin!
Peace Love and Teeth! - @TeethTalkGirl
Happy Holidays Peeps - @Toothlife.Irene

Thursday Dec 13, 2018
Episode 5: Whitney's cross-questioning of Irene is going down!
Thursday Dec 13, 2018
Thursday Dec 13, 2018
We know her as @toothlife.irene. She travels world lecturing to dental peeps and is living her best life as the founder of Toothlife. Irene is a woman of many talents... so many that Whitney doesn't even know half of what she does yet! She does know that Irene is killing the IG game and for sure creates adorable Toothlife jewelry.
Whitney has been preparing some serious questions for our fellow RDH, speaker, instructor, and influencer without a peep about what she's going to ask. Listen to this epic interview style podcast to hear what Irene has to say to Whitney's lightning bolt round of questions... and just wait to hear Irene's BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!
And as always, we end the show with an interesting game of Tooth or Dare. Irene's turn so FOLLOW OUR IG to see what happens next!

Sunday Dec 09, 2018
Episode 4: Instagram #DentureBabe @ToothfairyKNZ in the house!
Sunday Dec 09, 2018
Sunday Dec 09, 2018
Irene has been fangirling over @ToothfairyKNZ aka Mackenzie and her artistic denture making for a long time... which makes this interview extra special for our overly excited Canadian.
Whitney and Irene ask some serious questions about Mackenzie's career path, personal path, #goals and the question we all truly have as clinicians .... "how should we REALLY be telling patients to clean their removable dentures?" and "If you want to get into this business... formal training or mentorship?"
Listen to hear the answers to these questions & don't forget to follow our Instagram page for the dare! IT IS GOING TO BE EPIC!

Thursday Nov 22, 2018
Episode 3: Interrogating Whitney... Who are you even?
Thursday Nov 22, 2018
Thursday Nov 22, 2018
We all know her as @teethtalkgirl. Her YouTube videos are ridiculously funny and informative.
Who would have thought you could teach people about scalers in the same sentence you rap to a cardi song? Yup... only our girl Whitney can pull that off. See what I'm talking about here
Irene has been preparing some serious questions for our fellow RDH and Influencer without a peep about what she's going to ask. Listen to this epic interview style podcast to hear what Whitney has to say to Irene's interrogative questions.
And as always, we end the show with an interesting game of Tooth or Dare. Whitney's turn!

Monday Nov 05, 2018
Episode 2 : "Irie" Interviews Stacianne Tennant in Jamaica! Big up!
Monday Nov 05, 2018
Monday Nov 05, 2018
A follow up mini pod to our first episode.
Irene interviews Stacianne Tennant on her last day in Jamaica.
Stacianne Tennant BSc, RDH, MSc. Public Health specialization in Environmental Health Sciences and Clinical Instructor.
In the event, you didn't think all that is impressive she is a fierce advocate for oral health in Jamaica, DH pioneer, and founder of the Dental Hygienists Association of Jamaica.
Lets put our overgloves together for the woman of the hour!
If you want to email Stacianne she can be reached at Stennant@dhja.org

Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Episode 1: Welcome to Tooth or Dare!
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Welcome to the first Episode of Tooth or Dare!
Irene (@toothlife.Irene) and Whitney (@teethtalkgirl) are super excited to chat for the first time on the podcast.
Both Irene and Whitney talk about their week in private practice and Whitney shares her experience at her very first speaking engagement on a panel with other dental hygiene influencers.
Irene talks about her upcoming week, going to speak in Jamaica (which will follow with a short interview this week to set some facts straight).
This is a short episode of 28 minutes just get our feet wet in the world of podcasting!
Then we close the show with the very first game of Tooth or Dare.