Hold on to your suction, it’s about to get viscous. Irene, aka @Toothlife.Irene, on social media is the first (and only) Canadian Restorative Dental Hygienist with a podcast. Sharing her story surrounding her career, practice ownership, social media and, of course, dental-related content. On Tooth or Dare, she gives mic-dropping solutions to your dental questions and problems as a dental professional. With guests like top hygienists, dentists, researchers, product developers and more, this show has something for everyone interested in oral health and personal and professional development. Peeps say the content is entertaining and educational, packaged with actionable items. a Molar of the story, this is the podcast for you if you want to feel like you’re part of a conversation from the comfort of your own... well, wherever the heck you’re listening. Peace out, peeps, catch you on the flip side.

Thursday Mar 21, 2019
Episode 11: Alina Zollipops Teenpreneur
Thursday Mar 21, 2019
Thursday Mar 21, 2019
Alina Morse aka Candy Princess is killing the market with her genius product called ZolliCandy. Featured all over the media, print and basically a celebrity entrepreneur for being a 13 year old business owner with an estimated 6 million dollar evaluation for 2019.
A young woman on a mission also giving back a portion of earnings to the One Million Smiles Initiative.
Follow along with Alina and her mission to take over the candy world on instagram @zollicandy and visit zollicandy.com/dentist use promo code: keepemsmiling for awesome resources for dental practices and social media content.