Hold on to your suction, it’s about to get viscous. Irene, aka @Toothlife.Irene, on social media is the first (and only) Canadian Restorative Dental Hygienist with a podcast. Sharing her story surrounding her career, practice ownership, social media and, of course, dental-related content. On Tooth or Dare, she gives mic-dropping solutions to your dental questions and problems as a dental professional. With guests like top hygienists, dentists, researchers, product developers and more, this show has something for everyone interested in oral health and personal and professional development. Peeps say the content is entertaining and educational, packaged with actionable items. a Molar of the story, this is the podcast for you if you want to feel like you’re part of a conversation from the comfort of your own... well, wherever the heck you’re listening. Peace out, peeps, catch you on the flip side.

Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Episode 39: No excuses with Amanda @that.deaf.girl
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Amanda, a deaf dental hygenist, started her career as an NFL cheerleader. She appeared on MTV's True Life for pursuing a role as a professional cheerleader. She cheerleaded for a soccer team in Baltimore until ultimately landing a cheerleading position with the Philadelphia Eagles. Northern Virginia Community College offered Amanda guidance and hands on help to ameliorate the difficulties of being a deaf person in hygeine school. The ladies talk about finding the perfect dental home when moving to a new town and failing boards exams and the difference in examiners from test to test.
Irene found Amanda's instagram account the night before we recorded this super last min episode where Katrina wasn't even a co-host yet!
Here is the link to the photo we mentioned on Amanda's Instagram account that made Irene KNOW, we needed to share her story.
Amanda shares with us her journey of triumphs and defeats in the dental world as well as a very special announcement about her family! She also shares how hygenists can best accomodate for dental patients that are deaf. "I encourage people to break down the barriers. There's no reason for anything to hold them back. Life can be easy." -Amanda Videos about her Journey:
https://thatdeafgirl.com/2018/04/08/that-deaf-girl-from-mtv/ https://thatdeafgirl.com/ ig: @that.deaf.girl
Here are some awesome FREE CE courses to tune into brought to you by Dentsply Sirona:
Current Infection Prevention Protocols and Recommendations - Are you in Compliance?
Current Infection Prevention Protocols and Recommendations – Are you in Compliance? - Part 2