Hold on to your suction, it’s about to get viscous. Irene, aka @Toothlife.Irene, on social media is the first (and only) Canadian Restorative Dental Hygienist with a podcast. Sharing her story surrounding her career, practice ownership, social media and, of course, dental-related content. On Tooth or Dare, she gives mic-dropping solutions to your dental questions and problems as a dental professional. With guests like top hygienists, dentists, researchers, product developers and more, this show has something for everyone interested in oral health and personal and professional development. Peeps say the content is entertaining and educational, packaged with actionable items. a Molar of the story, this is the podcast for you if you want to feel like you’re part of a conversation from the comfort of your own... well, wherever the heck you’re listening. Peace out, peeps, catch you on the flip side.

Thursday Dec 05, 2019
Episode 28: Tooth soon to say goodbye...
Thursday Dec 05, 2019
Thursday Dec 05, 2019
A bittersweet announcement: Whitney aka @teethtalkgirl is retiring from co-hosting the podcast. She sends warm gratitude to all of our supportive listeners and wants everyone to “keep spreading the happiness & positive toothy vibes” so for this episode we are highlighting some of the amazing guests we have had, happy memories and inspiration we have had over the last 12 months.
Whitney is handing over the co-hosting torch to Katrina Saunders aka @thedentalwinegenist!
Welcome Katrina, we are excited to have you join the podcast and continue the tooth or dare podcast!
ALSO... Tooth or Dare has been nominated for the best dental podcast of 2019! we need your votes. Please send in your vote to help the podcast reach number 1, currently in 3rd place!
Click HERE to submit your vote. It's super easy and will take all but 10 seconds to vote.
Ladies and gentlemen, Dental Peeps! This is a very special episode and we have some big news for you all but firstly we would like to thank our friends @Hu-Friedy for sponsoring this episode and all of the episodes Whitney and I have recorded in the past 12 months together!
I just want to take a moment to thank Hu-Friedy for creating an awesome community for hygienists. The Friends of HF community is growing so rapidly!
I've been having fun reading the latest group posts.
Big fan of the product recommendations group and the largest group there with 45k members about Hu-Points. Helping each other get higher rankings. I'm striving to be Canine Champion.
The highest ranking... and you get a 30K ultrasonic insert which is an amazing product.
Irene: I saw them make them when I did a factory tour. Each insert is hand made and inspected and tested at every phase of assembly. It’s a really amazing process peeps!
Other things you will find on the FOHF platform include:
Courses and Certifications
Connect with Pros and Peers
And you can access anywhere, anytime, Personalized just for you and with your Engagement earn Hu-Points for free stuff!
Visit www.Friendsofhufriedy.com to join the tribe!