Hold on to your suction, it’s about to get viscous. Irene, aka @Toothlife.Irene, on social media is the first (and only) Canadian Restorative Dental Hygienist with a podcast. Sharing her story surrounding her career, practice ownership, social media and, of course, dental-related content. On Tooth or Dare, she gives mic-dropping solutions to your dental questions and problems as a dental professional. With guests like top hygienists, dentists, researchers, product developers and more, this show has something for everyone interested in oral health and personal and professional development. Peeps say the content is entertaining and educational, packaged with actionable items. a Molar of the story, this is the podcast for you if you want to feel like you’re part of a conversation from the comfort of your own... well, wherever the heck you’re listening. Peace out, peeps, catch you on the flip side.

Thursday Nov 07, 2019
Episode 26: Spear Hunting with @GetCocofloss
Thursday Nov 07, 2019
Thursday Nov 07, 2019
Hey there dental peeps and for the RDH's out there thanks for tuning into another episode of the podcast! We are so thankful for you all!
This episode is dedicated to our friend on Instagram aka @thewanderingtoothfairy. We love watching your passion for dentistry keep up the great work friend, so fun meeting you at CDA!
Our episode is sponsored by our friends @Hu-Friedy this week's featured product is the new HD Blackline mirror. Irene did a comparison video on her Instagram (CLICK HERE TO WATCH IT) showing the difference between the Blackline HD and a Rodium coated mirror. Brighter, more ergonomic and less glare aka LIFE CHANGING.
Want to register for Irene's Toronto Hu-Friedy Event? Click on the link below to register. It'll be tons of fun, try out some of the cool instruments shes demonstrated on her Instagram account and learn from the experts! Not to mention, you get instruments sharpened by the one and only @DiamondSharp!
--------------------REGISTER HERE--------------------
This episode was recorded live at the Hu-Friedy booth at CDA, we had so much fun at the booth so thank you to Hu-Friedy for sharing your booth and doubling it as a recording space!
This interview was with Dr.Chrystle Cu founder of CocoFloss
She tells us all about how she started her business with her sister and how they are now killing the floss world and tradeshow world. Hiring her first employee and balancing the Dentists life with the Floss life!
Thank you for sharing your story and for giving us floss alternatives to share with our patients! Make sure to follow them on Instagram and get their stuff in your practice!